Our Location

      8019 N. Himes Ave.,
      Suite 200
      Tampa, FL 33614


      PRP Therapy for Men

      P-Shot Tampa

      A cutting-edge new treatment has helped men worldwide cope with erectile dysfunction. PRP therapy provides firmer, stronger, and larger erections for men struggling with ED.

      PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) regenerates damaged tissues faster and stronger than most traditional treatments by increasing vascularization of the tissue (new blood vessel formation). Results may be permanent or last at least 18 months. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy also helps to increase stamina! If you have had little to no success with Viagra or Cialis, this may be an option for you.

      Recent study has shown that PRP can be used to treat Peyronie’s disease and at least 50 percent of men treated get great results.

      To receive a discreet erectile dysfunction consultation from an experienced professional, please call one of our Florida locations:

      Tampa - ☎ (813) 932-9798
      New Port Richey - ☎ (727) 232-0826
      Lakeland - ☎ (863) 248-6881

      What Causes Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

      Erectile dysfunction is caused when a man fails to achieve or maintain an erection during sexual activity. While a single instance of a failed erection is no cause for concern when it occurs more than 80% of the time it is a definitive case of erectile dysfunction. ED has several root causes, both physical and mental:

      • Anxiety
      • Depression
      • Diabetes
      • Heart disease
      • High blood pressure
      • Low testosterone (Low-T)
      • Obesity
      • Peyronie’s disease
      • Stress

      In addition, certain behaviors put men at risk for suffering through erectile dysfunction. These include:

      • Alcohol use
      • Certain medications
      • Drug use
      • Injuries
      • Smoking

      Erectile Dysfunction Treatment with PRP

      PRP can help nearly any man experience larger, firmer, and more frequent erections. PRP is also used to heal damaged and aged tissue.

      For the PRP process, blood is drawn from another part of your body (typically the arm) and placed in a centrifuge that extracts just the platelets. Via a syringe, the PRP solution is injected into the penis. The entire process takes 15 minutes yet has lasting results!

      Because platelet-rich plasma comes from your own body, it is more effective and more natural than other erectile dysfunction treatments.

      Rejuvenate Your
      Love Life

      Do you want erections that are larger, firmer, and more frequent? PRP  may be the solution you need to finally beat erectile dysfunction.

      Each of our locations has at least 1 Certified PRP Educational Consultant ready to answer any questions you may have about Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy. Our Certified PRP Educational Consultants are eager to help with any questions or concerns you have about PRP Therapy. Call and schedule a consultation with a Certified PRP Educational Consultant today and also learn more about our state-of-the-art centrifuge machine!

      To schedule an erectile dysfunction consultation, please call one of our Florida locations:

      Tampa - ☎ (813) 932-9798
      New Port Richey - ☎ (727) 232-0826
      Lakeland - ☎ (863) 248-6881

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